Alaska-Based Seminary Training

Anchorage Grace Church (AGC) has been a distance-location campus for The Master’s Seminary (TMS) since 2018. We offer Alaska-based students the exact same Master of Divinity program as the Los Angeles TMS campus led by John MacArthur. Through our hybrid class format, students can benefit from the faithful expository training of TMS without needing to uproot their families and relocate to California.

Person Reading the Sefer Torah

Why Host The Master’s Seminary in Alaska?

One of our church’s primary burdens is to see pulpits throughout our state filled with expository preachers. We believe a local ministry of seminary training is essential for carrying out this vision in the expansive and remote Last Frontier. Alaska’s greatest spiritual need is for faithful churches to be led or planted by men who are called, qualified, gifted, trained to shepherd God’s flock with the Word. But there are numerous prohibitive factors involved in sending Alaskans to the Lower-48 to receive such training. This is why we started our Master’s Seminary Distance Location campus, so we could provide seminary training here in Anchorage, the central hub of our state.

How Seminary Works At Our Distance Location

The Master’s Seminary Distance Locations utilize a hybrid class format. There is a mixture of three kinds of classes available to complete the M.Div. program:

TMS Alaska offers most Pastoral Ministry classes in a live classroom setting with Pastor Jeff at Anchorage Grace Church. We are also able to offer Hebrew Grammar I & II with Pastor Nathan, which is a unique opportunity to learn the Hebrew language in an intimate class setting.

Each semester, the TMS Los Angeles campus offers a selection of classes available in a two-way live video format. Our Distance Location students will join the classroom in LA via video calling technology throughout the semester, so they are able to participate in classroom interactions with students and the professor.

Almost all of the TMS classes are now available to take in an online format, where students are able to watch video lectures for class on their own schedule each week. This allows for a great amount of flexibility, but requires students to be more self-disciplined and somewhat independent in their studies.

Interested in Learning More?

If you’re a prospective student, leader of an Alaskan church, or just interested in our seminary ministry, we’d love to connect with you! Please reach out to us using the email form below.

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